About Me!

Greetings Everyone, and Welcome to my page all about Me!Feel free to have look around on this wonderful page and get a taste of who I am.

My Likes:

I like to do many things, and I do have my favourites.Some of them are reading, playing cricket and soccer, going to church/churchevents, coding websites, playing games on playstation, hanging out with friends,watching movies, bacon, animals, boardgames, family, New Zealand and Christmas.

Narnia Poster Cricket Poster

My Dislikes:

There are a few things that I don't like and some things I hate,here are a few; peanut's (I'm allergic to them), spiders, goriness ,horror movies, flying (Don't like a bit), and olives.

Olives peanuts

Designer Profile Links:

These are what I have found on Neocities: https://joelsdesignerprofile.neocities.org https://kldesigns.neocities.org


At 6nflett@tawacollege.school.nz


A couple of projects that I have done at school in year 10:

This is my scratch project that I did this year, here is thelink: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167253832/#player


This is my WOW project that I did thie year,you can't really see it that well because I tooka photo of it, but it's the best I could get.